How To Find The “Right” Cosmetic Surgeon For You!

If you have been considering having cosmetic surgery, or done any research you have probably heard that you need to find a doctor who is board certified. But what does this really mean?

Finishing medical school does not automatically qualify a surgeon to become board certified. They still have some very significant hurdles to accomplish before they can claim this certification. Once medical school is finished a doctor can apply for a state license to practice medicine. This is a different process from board certification.

Any surgeon wanting to become board certified has to spend a specified time in practice, demonstrating surgical quality, and passing extremely comprehensive written and oral exams.

Becoming a plastic surgeon requires 6-8 years of training beyond finishing medical school.

Because medicine is so complicated, all doctors can’t know everything, this is why they go into specialties so they can focus on narrower areas of medicine and surgery.

Here are some steps that you can take to find the right surgeon for you!

Check Board Certification

A doctor’s board-certification is the best indicator of his or her training in a particular medical or surgical specialty. Look for certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), the only Board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) to certify doctors in the specialty of plastic surgery.

Dr. Dehghan is certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties.

Check ASPS Membership

ASPS membership ensures that a doctor is, not only ABPS-certified (in Canada certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada), but also has significant experience in cosmetic surgery. To ensure that the doctor is a member, visit their website.

Dr. Dehghan is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgery.

Dr. Dehghan is also a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS).

The American College of Surgeons is a scientific and educational association of surgeons that was founded in 1913 to improve the quality of care for the surgical patient by setting high standards for surgical education and practice.

Check Facility Accreditation

Cosmetic surgery can safely be performed in a hospital, a surgical center or an office-based surgical facility: Current published data show that accredited office-based facilities have a safety record comparable to that of hospital ambulatory surgery settings. However, the majority of office-based surgical facilities are not accredited. Another advantage of selecting an ASPS member is that all ASPS surgeons operate in accredited, state-licensed or Medicare-certified facilities.

Our Ambulatory Surgical Center is certified by AAAASF, as well as by the State of Washington

Check Hospital Privileges

Before granting operating privileges, hospital review committees evaluate a surgeon’s training and competency for specific procedures. Wherever the surgery will be performed, be sure that the surgeon has operating privileges in an accredited hospital for the same procedure being considered.

Dr. Dehghan has privileges at Allenmore, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Tacoma General and Group Health Hospitals

Check Reliable Sources

Asking a patient’s primary care doctor for recommendations is a good place to start, and friends may offer suggestions; but the surgeon’s board-certification should always be verified independently by contacting the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Free referral information to board-certified plastic surgeons with significant experience in cosmetic surgery can be found on Find-a-Surgeon. ASPS’ web site, also offers extensive information about cosmetic surgical procedures.

Over half of our patients are from former patient referrals as well as other Physicians.

Check Thoroughness

The consultation is an important opportunity for questions to be asked and answered. It should include a candid discussion of risks as well as benefits of the surgery. A thorough consultation also involves a review of medical history including any existing medical conditions. All these factors help the surgeon to custom-tailor the operation to best meet the needs of each patient.

Check Rapport

Even the most experienced surgeon is not the “right” surgeon for every patient. Any successful relationship depends on good communication. Patient satisfaction is enhanced when surgeon and patient candidly discuss goals, agree on realistic expectations, and plan the course of the surgical journey together.

Check Experience

Experienced aesthetic plastic surgeons generally perform a wide range of cosmetic surgeries on a regular basis. Patients should ask about the surgeon’s experience with the particular procedure being considered. If considering a “new” technique or technology, patients should inquire whether results substantiating safety and effectiveness have been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Dr. Dehghan has been in practice as a board certified plastic surgeon for 12 years.

Check Follow-up Care

Good surgical care does not end with the surgery. Patients should inquire about follow-up visits and about the doctor’s policies should surgical revisions be necessary.

Dr. Dehghan will see you for your post surgical follow ups for each surgery that he performs. He will also get you in as soon as possible if you have any concerns.

Check Cost

Keep in mind that costs may vary considerably depending on geographic region, surgeon experience and individual patient factors. Not all patients can be treated with the same technique, and the complexity and length of surgery affect cost. Patients should note that cosmetic surgery usually is not covered by insurance.

Thank you in advance for considering Artistic Plastic Surgery Center for your choice for cosmetic Surgery!

You Have Breast Cancer, Now What?

“You have breast cancer.”

Those 4 words hold great fear for many women. If you have been told this then you have probably gone through, and are going through the confusion, fear, questions, and emotions of being told you have something that can rob you of your life as you know it. Your stomach may drop, and your heart seems to stop as you struggle to make sense of the words. Maybe you are  even hoping that your results were mixed up with someone else, and that this really isn’t happening to you. It’s a bad dream that you can’t wake up from.

One day your healthy, the next day your breast is gone.

Your doctor says, but wait, there is good news. You will live, but one or both of your breasts must be removed. For the many women being told this, it is just as devastating as their diagnosis. Losing any body part can be traumatizing, let alone our breasts. For many women, our breasts are very much a part of our femininity, and have an emotional and physical significance to us. They make up our shapes, give us curves, provide pleasure, feed our babies and allow us to feel like women.

When cancer threatens to take that away from us, it’s normal to feel sad and fearful. Now, just when you are most vulnerable you must also make decisions that may affect you for the rest of your life.

Each woman has her own concerns.

Reconstruction may be the most personal decision you will have to make.

Some women ask, will a mastectomy get rid of my cancer? How will I look afterwards? How do I fix my breasts? What is reconstruction? For many women there are several people involved in treating and supporting them. But when it comes to reconstruction, your surgeon takes center stage.

Any competant surgeon can remove a breast, but rebuilding one takes expertise. Your new breasts are literally in their hands, and the outcome of their work is what you live with. This is the time to do your research. Each surgeon may have a different opinion on how reconstruction can be accomplished, different personalities and skills.

When you are considering a surgeon consider there characteristics:

  • Skill-Because each woman is different, a surgeon should cover all your options for reconstruction. It takes time, skill and expertise to rebuild and reconstruct a breast.
  • Compassion-Are they sympathetic? Do they listen to you? A good surgeon will care about you, and your concerns. You deserve to be treated like an individual.
  • Rapport-Its important to find a surgeon whose personality fits yours, one that you trust enough to take care of you when you feel and look your worst.
  • Honesty-As hard as it might be to hear, pick a surgeon who will tell you what you can realistically expect, not what they think you want to hear.
  • Staff-A surgeons staff will also play an important part of your reconstruction, and  you may be spending alot of time interacting with them as well. Are they nice when you call? Listen to your concerns? Are they warm and friendly towards you in the office?

It takes time to adjust to knowing you are losing a breast, and sometimes alot of tears. Even after you make the decision to have reconstruction, it is normal to still have doubts. Don’t hide from your feelings, and enlist the support of your family and friends. There are many resources available, and comfort within the many support groups out there.

Here at Artistic Plastic Surgery we understand the issues and feelings that you are now facing, and we are here to help guide you during this journey and give you back your life, and your breasts. If you are facing reconstruction, as many of our patients are, you owe it to yourself to come in and meet with Dr. Dehghan, who has been helping change the lives of women on the road to recovery after breast cancer for over 12 years.

Do You Want To Improve Your Face Without Surgery?

Did you know that in less than 1 hour you can take years off your face with injectible fillers? There is still time to look younger before the New Year!

The non-surgical Facelift is often called the “Lunchtime or Liquid Lift.” Regardless of what it’s called, the end result is the same… a younger, more youthfull and refreshed look by using injectibles such as Radiesse and Dysport (created to fill in lines and wrinkles). These liquid lifts are a good option for the right person.

Smiling faces photo

Many women and men are chosing facial rejuvenation because it offers no down time, you can return right back to work, and is often a more affordable solution to take before going under the knife. While most people start to see the signs of aging around their mid 30’s-40’s, there is also a large number of younger people who are concerned with looking tired, worn out or older than they are who are turning to an easy and quick solution to their problem.

But remember, fillers are temporary and not a replacement for surgery!

Fillers can fill in lines, wrinkles, add volume and definition but they can not remove excess skin, tighten the skin or offer long term results.

Fillers are often injected to multiple areas such as:

  • Under the eyes to minimize bags
  • Between the eyes and forehead to smooth out lines
  • Crows feet
  • Sides of the forehead to enhance your profile
  • Jawline/Chin
  • Smile lines
  • Plump up lips and lines around the mouth

If you love your new, younger, more refreshed look then for most people, the results can last for (on average) 9-12 months, and if you are not happy with your appearance for some reason then the benefit is that dermal fillers and injectibles such as Radiesse and Dysport are not permanent, and you have not done something to your face that is irreversible.

Call the office to set up your appointment to meet with Dr. Dehgahn to find out how you can start the new year looking better than before!

Breast Augmentation Incisions: Which One Is Right For You?

When it comes to Breast Augmentation, you have choices in regards to what type of incision you want to use. Sometimes a patient will have a strong preference for one specific incision, but ultimately, your surgeon will be your best guide when it comes to the pros and cons of the incision that is specifically right for you.

 There are many factors that go into choosing your incision, some of these include:

  • Your current breast size, and shape
  • How much larger you want to be
  • What type of implant you want (Saline or Silicone)
  • Medical history, or health issues and concerns

breast incision lines illustration


There are three main incisions used in Breast Augmentation: The Inframammary (the fold under the breast), Periarealor (nipple incision), and Transaxillary (or armpit). Each incision site has its own set of pros and cons and are around the same length (silicone implants need a slightly longer incision).

The Inframammary incision hides nicely in the fold (or crease) under your breast, and is typically not visible while you are upright. This incision allows the doctor the most control over placement of the implant, with the least amount of disruption to existing breast tissue.

This incision works for almost all breast shapes.

The Periarealor incision goes along the areola complex, which is the pigmented area on the breast around the nipple. This is a nice incision if a person heals normally, and has a darker areola because the incision blends nicely in the transition from the paler skin of the breast to the arealor complex. This is also a good incision for women who do not have a fold under their breast.

If you heal poorly for any reason, this incision may not be a good match for your anatomy.

The Transaxillary incision is the incision that goes through the armpit. The biggest benefit to this incision is that there is no scar on the breast, and if you know you scar heavy or if you have had healing issues in the past, and don’t want to risk bad scarring on the breast this incision might be right for you.

Take note!  Other factors to consider with this incision!

The armpit incision is also the most visible to the outside world when you wear sleeveless clothing, bathing suits, or raise your arms. No other breast augmentation incision is visible when clothed.

If you choose this incision also consider the fact that by going through the armpit, it is the longest distance for the implant to “drop” to where it needs to be, and in the event a revision surgery is necessary you often can’t go back through the original incision site on the armpit resulting in a new incision and scar on the breast.

You can go through the same scar when having a revision with the other two locations.

Regardless of which incision is used, the scars take time to lighten in color and fade, but there will still always be a scar that might be visible.

It is important to rely on your surgeon’s expertise, keep your expectations realistic for your anatomy, and chances are, you will get the results you are seeking!

Are you Ready to Face this Holiday Season?

Are you concerned with the lines and wrinkles on your face?

Are you already dreading the family picture this holiday season?

Now is the perfect time to treat the fine lines and wrinkles on your face, or add volume to lips, and areas around the mouth to give you a more rested, youthful and improved appearance in your face… and all this in LESS THAN 1 HOUR!