If you are considering having a cosmetic surgery, then this article is for you. Choosing to have an elective surgery is big decision that requires thought, planning and realistic expectations.
Most people seek cosmetic surgery to feel better about themselves. Studies suggest that patients are generally pleased with the outcome and report improvement in self-esteem, social confidence, quality of life and freedom to do things that they were embarrassed or afraid to do before.
However, while cosmetic surgery has become mainstream and much more accessible to people than ever before, it may not be appropriate for every person or every problem. If you are considering cosmetic surgery, take some time to think about and ask yourself these questions:
Why am I considering cosmetic surgery?
The healthiest reason to have cosmetic surgery is to improve a part of your anatomy that isn’t responding to diet or exercise, never developed, has been significantly altered by pregnancy, weight gain/loss, genetics or to just improve your self-image.
The purpose of cosmetic surgery is to enhance your feeling of well-being and to encourage a positive feeling about yourself.
Am I having cosmetic surgery to please myself or someone else?
Cosmetic surgery cannot stop your significant other from leaving you, or bring them back. It can’t bring you new friends, or get you a better job. You’ll likely be disappointed if you are having cosmetic surgery for any of those reasons, or to please someone else.
Are my expectations realistic?
Cosmetic surgery can dramatically improve your appearance, but it does have its limitations. Surgery can’t give you someone else’s nose, stomach, or breasts. It is unwise to expect that cosmetic surgery can create the face of a celebrity or take 20 years off your anatomy.
Cosmetic surgery can help you have the best version of YOU!
Am I emotionally prepared for cosmetic surgery?
There are certain circumstances under which cosmetic surgery may be inappropriate. These include a crisis or a significant emotional change, such as divorce, death of a spouse or loss of a job. Also, surgeons are reluctant to consider cosmetic surgery on patients who are depressed or have significant mental illness.
Is now the best time for me to have cosmetic surgery?
Do not try to rush your recovery!
Plan your surgery when you are relaxed and can afford the time off to recover and heal afterwards. It is extremely important to plan for, and allow yourself the time you need.
Am I prepared to handle unexpected results?
Unexpected results occur rarely, but when they do occur, they can create emotional distress for both the patient and the surgeon. You must be prepared for the worst-case scenario and realize that it will require time, patience and a mutual trust between you and your surgeon to work toward improvement. Some surgeries have a higher rate of revisions than others, or take longer to see the final results than other surgeries.
Do I have a supportive caregiver?
It’s important to have someone to support you physically and emotionally during your recovery. You will not only need someone to take care of you, but if you have children, you will need someone to help with them as well. For some people, they find that they might more than 1 caregiver for their recovery.
Beware of negative comments from friends or family members who may have issues with your decision to change your appearance, or who might want to persuade you against moving forward with your decision. There might be people who are not happy for you, and will let you know. This is why it is important to be confident in your choice and reasons to have cosmetic surgery.
Have I considered and accepted the risks?
There is risk involved with any surgery, even if you are in good health. In addition to the general risks related to anesthesia, blood loss and infection, specific risks for cosmetic surgery include skin loss, asymmetry, slow healing, numbness and minor dimples and puckers that may require a touch up at a later date.
Can I afford to have cosmetic surgery?
Cosmetic surgery is usually not covered by health insurance. If you can’t afford the cost, the added financial stress could actually make you feel worse about yourself. There are many companies who now offer financing for cosmetic surgeries. It is important to make sure you know the terms of the financing loan, the expected payment plan, and the total cost after interest and processing fee’s.
It is normal to want surgery for years before it becomes a reality. Take your time, do your research, find out what bothers you and why, and then when the time is right… move forward. It is best to be at a stable, and prepared place so that you can have a positive experience, and get the results that you are dreaming about!